Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Essay Example

Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Paper One day sheikh Zayed asked by the journalist: â€Å" when you building this country, why did you give your people free education, health care and free services† Sheikh Zayed answered him: â€Å"I gave them free education, accommodation, health care and free services because they are my children. How you cut off from your own children’s expenses?† We will write a custom essay sample on Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Sheikh Zayed was not only a president; he was a father, an adviser and a leader. He was close to his people; he sat among his people and listened to their needs, chatting and laughing with them. He didn’t put any barrier between him and his people. He could be termed as humble. Body The humble nature of this icon as well as his love for his people inspired him to bring change not only to his country but also to other citizens in other countries. He could be likened to a super hero who was always ready and willing to listen to the plight of the less fortunate and consequently do whatever was within his power to help these people. Thus, under his leadership a lot of charitable organizations were created that aimed at helping in one way or the other. One such example was the fact that he adopted as many orphans as possible not only in the EAU but also in other continents around the world. Other than his humanitarian efforts, the sheikh was a champion of environmental conservation efforts. For this, he received the champions of the earth award from the United Nations (NaÌ„diÌ„ TuraÌ„th al-ImaÌ„raÌ„t., 2001). His ability to combine wisdom with leadership was evidenced when he advocated that both the father and mother in a family set-up should share activity that would be parenthood. This opened up the doors for women to actively seek employment. He stated that Women have the right to work everywhere, he reasoned that Islam gives women their rightful status, and encourages them to work in all sectors, as long as they are afforded the appropriate respect. The basic role of women is the upbringing of children, but over and above that, we have to support and encourage any woman who chooses to perform other functions. making him not only a shrewd leader but also a great parent to his people. His wisdom extended to the policies that he created that were always in the best interest of his people. He shared the revenue brought in by oil to develop his people. These developments could be accessed by all his citizens and at no cost at all. He was not afraid of sharing the lands resources with his people (Morris, 1974). Furthermore his wisdom was responsible for the creation of peace without having to resort to bloodshed as was the case in the treaty of Jeddah. His role as an insightful advisor played an important role in negotiations that he always made whether to benefit his own people or other countries in the world. His ability to provide solutions for even the toughest problem was impeccable. One such success was his key contribution in the formation of the EAU. Conclusion Sheikh Zayed was a leader like no other. He never looked down at people because of their station, gender, religion, ethnicity or even race. To him, humanity was what mattered in the long run. While the whole world benefited in one way or the other through this leaders virtuous personality, the people of EAU were the luckiest to have been under his leadership. Thank you everyone for listening References Morris, C. (1974). The desert falcon: The story of H. H. Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahiyan, President of the United Arab Emirates. London: Morris International. NaÌ„diÌ„ TuraÌ„th al-ImaÌ„raÌ„t., Markaz ZaÌ„yid lil-TuraÌ„th wa-al-TaÌ„riÌ„kh. (2001). Zayed, a photographic journey: Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan. Abu Dhabi: Emirates Heritage Club, and Zayid Center for Heritage and History.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Effect of the music Essays

Effect of the music Essays Effect of the music Essay Effect of the music Essay There will be a difference between how participants perform on anagram tests depending on whether they are in a condition which has a fast music, slow music or no music played.  PB2: Explanation of Direction of Hypothesis.  The hypothesis is non-directional because a study by Mayfield and Moss (1989) found that when participants underwent a task with either fast or slow music they found fast music acted as a cause of stress and slowed down how fast they could perform the task. However a study by Stough et al. (1994) found that when participants did an IQ test in either silence or with Mozart playing in the background there was no effect on the results. Also a study by Turner at al. found the level of music caused a slower response time in the study. PB3: Identification of Research Method/ Design.  The research method design being used is experimental. A laboratory experiment is going to be used. The task will take place in the form of a sheet of 30 anagrams. The design is going to be a repeated measures experiment.  PB4: Evaluation of the Advantages and Disadvantages of the Chosen Research Method.  One disadvantage of the research method is that it is not like real life. In a real situation participants may not have to be sat down doing a task with just music playing in the background. Their may be other confounding variables such as the volume of the music. Therefore it will have a low ecological validity. An advantage of this study is that it is replicable; therefore confirmation of the results will be possible. This will ensure that the study is reliable.  Another advantage is that laboratory experiments involve the most control over variables and therefore it will give most confidence that the IV has caused changes in the DV.   B5: Identify Potential Sources of Bias in the Investigation and Any Possible Confounding Variables.  One source of bias within the investigation could be that the extent of participants vocabulary is unknown and therefore some of them may never have come across some of the more complicated words. Therefore the subjects studied by participants are of importance. Participants may be of varying intelligence and therefore this will mean they will be tested for intelligence rather than the effect of the music. Another source of bias is if participants are informed about the aims of the study, to investigate how music affects performance of a task, they may conform to how they believe they should behave in the study. For example some one in the loud music category may purposely try less hard on the task as the believe themselves to do worse at the task. These demand characteristics may cause a bias in the results.  PB6: Explain What Procedures Will Be Adopted to Deal With These. To deal with the issue of the length of the words in my anagram tests I will use words of short length only ensuring participants have a larger chance of being familiar with the words. A frequency table for word use will be used to do this. To deal with issue of varying intelligence within the participants should have to complete the task in all three conditions however this would be of no use as then participants will experience order effects and already have knowledge of the answers on the anagram tests, so therefore I will have to ensure that participants will be of as equal as possible intelligence, this can be done using participants from the same school and of the same age. To deal with the second source of bias participants will not be told the true aims of the experiment until they have completed it to prevent demand characteristics.  PB7: Select An Appropriate Level of Statistical Significance To Be Researched Before the Experimental/ Alternative Hypothesis.  An appropriate level of statistical significance is a level of P0.05.  PB7: Identify Any Relevant Ethical Issues and Discuss the Steps to be taken to Deal with These.  One ethical of this experiment is that participants may feel inadequate if they find difficulty in completing the task. However participants should be explained to fully that the task is to test the effect of music and not personal ability. Another ethical issue is that participants will not be told the true aims of the experiment. If told that they were doing a task on the effect of music this may cause participants behave in a way in which they believe they should behave, demand characteristics. For this reason participants will be deceived this may be viewed a deception. To overcome this once the task is completed all participants will be debriefed and told the real aim of the study.  Another ethical issue is that as participants will be deceived they will not be given the chance to give an informed consent before the task begins. This will be dealt with by offering participants the chance to withdraw their data after the investigation when they have been informed of the real aims of the study.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Should gay coupels be allowed to adopt children Term Paper

Should gay coupels be allowed to adopt children - Term Paper Example Proponents of child adoption by gay couples say that children adopted by gay couples display development similar to other children. This is not true. Children lack the presence, love, affection, and presence of the parent of the non-existent gender throughout the developmental process. If it is a male gay couple, the child is denied the love of a mother. If it is a female gay couple, the child is denied the affection and guidance of a father. This creates voids and grey areas in the child’s mind about the roles and responsibilities of the non-existent parent, and this subjectivity of concepts affects the child’s relationships with friends in the childhood, and with spouse and children in the adulthood. Proponents of child adoption by gay couples say that children adopted by gay couples can live a normal social life. This is very untrue. Gay couples promote gay culture. Gay culture is essentially a subculture adopted by a particular community within the society, whereas the larger part of the society comprises heterosexual couples, many of which condemn homosexuality to the extent of abhorrence. In such a conservative society, being part of a gay family may be extremely traumatic and inconvenient for the children. The children given to gay couples are at huge risk of violence, mockery, and bullying. Children raised in such families are made fun of and their views of their parents’ questionable sexual orientation are readily asked. Repeated occurrence of this encounter may yield life-long negative consequences for the children. These children are made to feel different and isolated from the larger population of children which live in the nuclear family systems. Proponents of child adoption by gay couples say that gay couples can take care of the adopted children like their own children. The fact is that the children are

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Cost Allocation in Small Businesses Research Paper

Cost Allocation in Small Businesses - Research Paper Example As the essay stresses one of the main benefits that companies get through proper cost allocation is awareness of expenses. Accurate assignment of costs to business processes makes it possible for the managers to know exactly the types of expenses incurred in any particular business operation. Here, it needs to be mentioned that such information is not just critical for the development of operating budgets; rather it is also imperative in the calculation of taxes payable to state, local, and federal tax agencies. The way a company assigns costs to different business units have a profound impact on the amount of taxes that the company pays. From the report it is clear that small businesses can also use cost allocation as a tool to know which items associated with any particular department had the most or least impact on the cost generation by that department. For example, if the accounting, marketing, and customer services departments make use of the same printer for producing prints, the company can easily spread the cost out of that printer on all associated departments according to their respective usage of the system. Such an accuracy of cost information results in improving the decision-making mechanisms of a company, as well as helps in enhancing the overall quality of business processes. Cost allocation also results in enhancing the resource usage. Companies allocating costs to different business departments know that the benefits that they will get will definitely supersede the associated costs. To be specific, when a company has to decide whether it should use the resources of any particular business department , it first takes into account the variable and fixed costs of the department. Though cost allocation, a company is able to know the extent the resources can be used without affecting the associated costs. Determines Expenses Accurately Using cost allocation, a company can determine the costs associated with hiring, retaining, and shifting of employees from one department to

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Do Unions Have Any Kind of Future In Australia Essay

Do Unions Have Any Kind of Future In Australia - Essay Example This will be the time to forge a global partnership between developing global partnership between developed and developing countries to ensure that employment growth policies are put in place to put an end to the scourge of our times - increasing unemployment, poverty and inequality' - said ICFTU President Sharan Burrow. The major corporations of the world are hopping around the world seeking the lowest cost worker. The ITES has meant that the developed world will lose more employment opportunities to developing countries where wages are cheap and working conditions can be stringent. The west and the rest of the developed world already troubled with rising unemployment will see a worse future. The 'global workforce' if at all one arises will require more such meetings and negotiations to make things happen - for a better tomorrow. The Unions around the world have emphasised on the need for collective bargaining. They are primarily composed of skilled and semi-skilled workers. But membership figures vary widely with the industry in question. The problem has particularly plagued Australia in sectors such as health because a large number of health workers from the commonwealth countries are present in these sectors. But what do unions do Changes in the structure and nature of work The Unions seek changes in the structure of work so that the work is less monotonous and comfortable to the worker. Further the unions make sure that the working conditions are also ideal. Unions form and people flock to join them for many reasons. They feel that their grievances will be redressed by the collective bargaining power of the unions. Some members also enrol for ideological issues such as the socialist cause and the anti-capitalism campaign. The Webbs defines that unions arose when the great bulk of workers had ceased to be independent producers, themselves controlling the processes, and owning the materials and the product of their labour, and had passed into the condition of life-long wage-earners, possessing neither the instruments of production nor the commodity in its finished state (Webbs, 1920: 25). In the 1920's Perlman stated thatTrade unionism, which is essentially pragmatic, struggles constantly, not only against the employers for an enlarged opportunity measured in income, security, and liberty in the shop and industry, but struggles also, whether consciously or unconsciously, actively or merely passively, against the intellectual who would frame its programs and shape its policies (1928: 5). Allan Flander says of Unions that 'The first and over-riding responsibility of all trade unions is to the welfare of their own members. That is their primary commitment; not to a firm, not to an industry, not to the nation. A union collects its members' contributions and demands their loyalty specifically for the purpose of protecting their interests as they see them, not their alleged 'true' or 'best' interests as

Friday, November 15, 2019

Argument For The Importance Of Strategic Planning Business Essay

Argument For The Importance Of Strategic Planning Business Essay This paper discusses about organizational strategic planning and the concepts of strategic planning. It also describes an argument that supported to the strategic planning for the success of business. This paper creates a mission statement for the organization that will be essential to the success of organization and also examines the vision statement in order to supporting to the mission of organization. It establishes the key objectives for the organization that encompasses operational, financial and human resources aspects of the business and details the essential of these objectives. This paper concludes with the key objectives in order to support the mission and vision statement of the company. Crafting and Executing Strategy Strategic management was a set of decisions and actions that results the information and implementation of plans for achieving the organizational goals and objectives. Each and every successful business was dependent upon the effectiveness of the strategic planning in the organization. The strategic planning could create the past performance and also it could predict the organizational performance in future. 1. Argument for the importance of strategic planning The strategic planning was the one that formulated the mission of the organization by including statements about the purpose, philosophy as well goals. Theses inclusion can define the ways to success the goals and implementation of the organization. This was the task or argument of a strategic planning in order to make the organization successful. The second argument was analyzing the conditions and capabilities of an organization internally. This can be made by strategic planning in making the organizational rules and regulations effectively. The strategic planning was used to analyze the resources by matching with the external environment in order to evaluate the strength of the organization. The desirable options of the organization could be identified by evaluating each option in the organizational mission for making the organization perfect. This action was performed by the implementation of strategic planning in an organization. Select the set of long-term objectives and strategies that will achieve the most desirable options of an organization. This was the argument that supported to the importance of strategic planning and the strategic planning was important for an organization in setting the long term objectives (Thompson, 2006). Development of annual objectives and short-term strategies that was compatible with the selected set of long term objectives and strategies. This was the argument for delivering the importance of strategic planning in order to make the success to organization. Allocation of matching of tasks, people and structures and technologies could be possible by the implementation of strategic planning for the success of an organization. The strategic planning also evaluates the effective decision making in making the management of an organization perfect. Hence these elements are delivering the points for the importance of strategic planning to make the organization. 2. Mission statement for the organization The strategic planning was important to the success of business and because it will create the business goal for an organization. The mission was to describing the function, markets and competitive advantages of an organization and also it was the short written statement of business goals and philosophies. The organizational mission statement was to identify the products and services and also to describe the geographical location of operation in an organization. The mission of the organization was to enable the people and businesses throughout the world for realizing their full potential. This corporate mission statement was an essential ingredient to the success of the organization. This mission statement provided the clear sense of direction to top management and employees in the organization. This mission statement was also to focus the attention of management and employees in the organization in order to create the desired outcome in the organization. The scores of business planning and strategic planning stated this mission for raising the fund of organization (Hough, 2007). If the business of organization was enabled throughout the world, then it will make the better outcome to the organization in the case of increasing profits, enhancing the management and employees, improving the activity of an organization as well as achieving the goals and objectives of an organization. This mission statement also contributed more for the organizational success. This mission statement delivered the effectiveness of an organization throughout the world in order to make the innovation for particular company or corporation. It also created the new ideas and methods to the market place in the case of offering the products and services throughout the world. The unique brand positioning and the maintaining of solid brand recognition and high quality of design standards were possible by enabling the products and services of an organization throughout the world. This mission statement also conveyed the core beliefs and values of business. The expression of the organization could also be enhanced by enabling people and business throughout the world. This mission statement could solve the complex network computing problem in an organization by making effective ideas and so on. 3. Vision statement for the organization The vision statement was used to identify the organizational mission and also uncovered the real and human values in that mission. The vision statement also identified values of customers and stakeholders in order to achieve the organizational mission. The mission statement and values can be combined by the vision statement in order to energize and motivate the people inside as well as outside of organizations. The organizational vision statement also contributed to the organization in achieving the goals and objectives. The vision statement was engaging in sustainable practices and anticipating the requirements of customers and also maximizing the return to stakeholders when maintain the quality of organizational products as well as services. This was the best vision statement in order to making the organizational products and services effectively. This vision contributed more to the employees in developing their attitude and knowledge in the organization. It maximized the profits and values of an organization by engaging in sustainable practices and anticipating the requirements of customers. The employees can also get value by means of implementing perfect works to their customer by following this vision statement. This vision statement also supported to the mission statement that was enabling people and business throughout the world to realize their full potential. The full potential of organizational people and business could be realized when entering with the products and services of organization into the market. The effectiveness of an organization based upon by developing quality products and services rather than other organization thats why organization will get higher priority among the global marketing. For that, this mission as well as vision statements will be helpful. This vision statement was also helpful for enabling the people and business of an organization throughout the world (Chris Jeffs, 2008). The full potential of an organization was realized by making better outcomes thats why management can get more profits. This vision statement supported the organizational mission statement by maximizing the stakeholders to realize the full potential of organizational people and business. This vision statement helped to the long -term goal and objectives of an organization. Hence the mission statement of an organization based upon the vision statement. 4. Business key objectives High quality and service and satisfaction This was the organizational key objective in order to encompassing the operational, financial as well as human service aspects of business. This key objective contributed to the business in making the higher quality and services to the organization. The operational and financial aspects were based upon the high quality and services thats why customers will get satisfaction about the products of business. The satisfaction of customer provided more benefits and profits to the business. Growth and profitability This was the second key business objectives to encompass the operational, functional as well as human aspects of business. The growth of products enhanced the operational and functional aspects of business and the human service based upon this production growth and profitability. The profitability was the objective that can move the operational and financial as well as human services into next evolution. Hence this key objective was essential for an organization. Continuous quality improvement This was the third key objective for the aspects of business and this objective enhanced the continuous quality improvement of products and service. This improvement only can encompass the operational, financial as well as human aspects of business. This key objective provided the better outcome to the business in making the business aspects better. Product and process innovation This was very important key objective for the aspects of business that contributed more to the enhancement of business. The organizational development was based upon the product and process innovation and for that it was necessary to make the quality products and services. This objective was mostly used for encompassing the operational, financial and human aspects of business. The popularity of organization was possible by making the innovations to the products and process for the satisfaction of customers. Simple and effective process This was also the important key objective in encompassing the operational, functional and human aspects of business. This objective can improve the process of organization in order to encompass the business aspects. This objective will make the effective products and services in order to improve the profits and business methods by making the process implementation. Hence this key objective also contributes to the aspects of business. 4. Key objectives for mission and vision statements The five key objectives also contributed more to support to the organizational missions and visions. The key objectives implemented the high quality customer services for enabling the businesses throughout the world for the realization of potentials. The growth and profitability of an organization can make the products and service throughout the world and this can improve the value of mission and vision statements. The continuous quality of improvement was an objective that supported to the mission and the vision statements in order to make the organizational innovations. The mission and vision statements will be valuable by the growth and profitability of improvement in organizations. The mission and vision statement will be proved when the organization is getting the production growth and profitability. The continuous quality was also an objective that made the mission and vision statement perfect. This key objective supported to the mission as well as vision objective by making the continuous enhancement in the case of products and a service thats why mission as well as vision statements will be proved (Adrian Haberberg, 2007). The product and process innovation also supported to the mission as well as mission statements in the organization. The products and process innovation provided the better capacity as well as capability to the organization in order to making the business throughout the world for the realization. The product and process innovation contributed more the mission as well as vision statements. Simple and effective process was also the key objective of business in an organization. This key objective made the better process in order to proving the mission as well as vision statements. Hence the vision and mission statement also based upon these key objectives. Conclusion The organizational strategic planning and the concepts of strategic planning were discussed. The mission and the vision statements of an organization in order to making the business successfully were included. The five key objectives for the enhancement of business aspects were also examined. The key objectives for mission and vision statement were concluded.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Explication Essay of “Cities and Thrones and Powers” by Rudyard Kipling Essay

â€Å"Cities and Thrones and Powers, / Stand in Time’s eye,† (lines 1, 2). These lines set the stage for the poem’s meaning. Rudyard Kipling uses figurative language, word choice, and rhythm to create the meaning â€Å"Nothing in this world lasts forever, but life is everlasting,† Rudyard Kipling then dives further and creates a deeper meaning underneath that of the first saying, to enjoy the experience of life and to not get caught up in the hardships of life. He also says that life is everlasting, it might change form, but it will never end. There is an abundant use of figurative language, such as similes and personification, in this poem to help create the meaning. In line 3 and 4 he compares life in general to flowers, â€Å"Almost as long as flowers, / Which daily die.† With these lines he is comparing society to a flower, and in the grand scheme of things our lives are very small in comparison to the bigger picture. In the second stanza he is comparing our entire existence with a daffodil. â€Å"Esteems her seven days’ continuance, / To be perpetual.† (Lines 14 and 15). The daffodil believes that she will go on forever even though her life span is only seven days long. Like the daffodil in the poem, our society often focuses on our own lives and we thinks that it will last forever. Rudyard Kipling also uses excellent word choice to enhance the meaning of his poem. In the last line of the poem the word shadow is used. â€Å"Shadow to Shadow, ‘see how our works endure!’†(Part of line 22). He uses the word â€Å"shadow† to say the beginning and end. The word â€Å"shadow† creates a darker meaning than other words he could have used. He offsets the dark meaning by using the word â€Å"endure†. With this word he creates a sense of invincibility, in that life will never end. These parts of the last line mean people are not life itself but just a small piece of it and this is why life will truly never end. Kipling also uses the rhythm of the poem to help enhance certain parts of  his meaning. â€Å"Out of the spent and unconsidered Earth, The Cities rise again.†(Line 7). The rhythm of this line is slightly different than the rhythm of the surrounding lines making it stand out amongst them. He makes this line stand out because it is part of the basic meaning of this poem. This line shows that even though things will die and wither, other things will rise again. In this poem, Rudyard Kipling creates the meaning, â€Å"Nothing in this world lasts forever, but life will endure.† This meaning is created with the use of figurative language, rhythm, and word choice. In the end things will die, but other things will rise again. Cities and Thrones And Powers Cities and Thrones and Powers, Stand in Time’s eye, Almost as long as flowers, Which daily die: But, as new buds put forth, To glad new men, Out of the spent and unconsidered Earth, The Cities rise again. This season’s Daffodil, She never hears What change, what chance, what chill, Cut down last year’s: But with bold countenance, And knowledge small, Esteems her seven days’ continuance To be perpetual. So time that is o’er kind, To all that be, Ordains us e’en as blind, As bold as she: That in our very death, And burial sure, Shadow to shadow, well-persuaded, saith, â€Å"See how our works endure!† By: Rudyard Kipling

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Family of Origin Essay

Families have always been considered as the basic unit of life. For the longest time, it has been noted that the kind of lifestyle families have are based on their ability to adapt to the environment, and how we were raised. The culture and traditions practiced for as long as I remember were clear representations of the generations that my family has surpassed. I must say that my family was not as ideal as it may seem. Numerous problems were experienced and there were conflicts in terms of ideas. Unlike any other child, I was exposed to the realities of life at the tender age of seven. As a child, I developed a strong bond with my grandmother, which became extremely difficult from my end when she passed away. I was seven years old at that time, and my brother was four. To compensate for her loss, my brother and I became closer with each other. However, the death of our grandmother left numerous issues, which tarnished our relationship with our father. Eventually, he left and never came back. The last time I heard from him was through a letter sent when I was thirteen. To compensate for what happened, my mother had to work extra hours. This struggle made it more possible for us to bond with her accordingly. My brother and I were more comfortable being by ourselves at home, and would become disappointed when our mother had to come home from work. I believe that this feeling was formed through the experience we had with her. For real and imaginative reasons, our mother would always have numerous grounds to hit us. This was really heartbreaking, for our impression about our mother was starting to fall apart. It was as if my brother and I were her personal punching bags that helped relieved her stress and anger. I believe that no person in their right state of mind would be amenable with such set up. Yes, I know that my family is as dysfunctional as it seems. However, there is more to that. Aside from the numerous beatings my brother and I receive from our mother, she is also an alcoholic. In addition to this, her habitual vice has been accompanied by rage, and paranoia making it more difficult to understand my mother. Eventually, my life was headed for more problems when my brother broke his news. He admitted to me that he was gay, and preferred men over women. This revelation affected me in the most possible manner, for I formed numerous queries in my mind. I felt that my brother betrayed me with his confession, giving him more reasons to be with my mother. My brother and I grew up together, and the bond we had was really strong. However, his confession became the reason for me to doubt myself. I feared that I may also be gay, because of the kind of relationship I had with my brother. Fortunately, I was able to stick with my male side and become the man that I am now. However, coping with the said information also became difficult from my end. It was the first time that I had to face problems on my own. With my brother’s revelation, I did not know what else to do or whom to turn to. Such instances allowed me to just turn to alcohol and drugs. The kind of comfort provided by such vices allowed me to temporarily forget about the realities in my life and enjoy. In so doing, the small amount of time given to forget my problems allowed me to still keep my sanity. Â  From a young child, I experienced being abandoned and physically abused by someone close to me; being given the vice to lean to served to be helpful emotionally yet morally degrading. Similarly, my sister also experienced difficulties while growing up. She was born six years after my grandmother passed away, so she was spared of the heartache experienced when our father left us. As a girl, my sister was given stipulations and expectations deemed from women. She would always get into heated arguments with my mother in terms of the responsibilities she had at home. As second to my mother, she was expected to cook the food, clean the house, and take care of the family. Basically all of the responsibilities that my mother should have done for us were passed on to my younger sister. These responsibilities forced my sister to grow and mature immediately and miss out a lot in her life. Unlike people her age, my sister was not free to do whatever she wanted. Before she could do what she wanted, like meet with friends, she had to make sure that all responsibilities have been accomplished. To many, the life my sister had was an epitome of responsibility, however, it was the other way around. Unlike typical families, our family was based on what the elders deemed from us. As much as possible, the orders of the elders should be followed immediately before anything else. In so doing, we did not have the right to question the kind of responsibility they put on our shoulders. The kind of actions they had towards us was not something that we could take for granted, for it was a belief the elderly should always be followed. In the same manner, our freedom to express ourselves was also limited. I would take this factor as the reason for my brother’s identity crisis. Although we grew up together, he had numerous queries that I was unaware of. As we grew older, he was able to form a differentiation of himself. The bond we formed after the family tragedy led him to continually find himself, and I the process learn to accept reality. I know that there came a time in my brother’s life that he wanted to fight the beliefs that were being formed in his mind. However, his true identity could not be hidden anymore. Admitting his true identity became the very reason for him to accept himself wholeheartedly and at the same time, gain the respect from others. Moreover, the Emotional System attributed for my family was complicated. Unlike normal families, I had to derive inspiration and strength from my siblings. It was evident that I had a mother; however, she was different from the others. The levels of differentiation were evident in our family, for we were our own individuals as well. In terms of Family Projection, I consider my family to be the best example. Each family has their own similarities and differences. There are families that go beyond what is expected of them. However, my family is focused on the realities of life. It was never hidden that I came from a dysfunctional family. My grandmother served as a pillar of strength and wisdom in the family, and her death led to the end of everything. I consider my father’s abandonment to be the start of family projection. In my own regard, I believe that my mother wanted to show the world that we were still an intact family regardless of the fact that the family was dysfunctional and incomplete. However, this goal led her to express the lack of maturity in her life. Instead of setting a good example to us, my mother opted to do things on her own. I completely understand that my mother also wanted someone to be there for her during times of need, but she did them differently. Some of the responsibilities were passed on to my sister for she was out most of the time. This prompted my sister to grow up and become a mature individual. What is disheartening is the fact that the people are being led to believe that our mother was taking care of us. Unaware to people, my siblings and I had to make sure that we were able to keep the family intact in whatever means possible. As mentioned earlier, my father abandoned us when our grandmother left. I believe that unresolved issues, called Triangles, may be attributed to such. What was disheartening was the fact that the triangles grew and grew as time passed by. The reasons for our mother’s behavior were never disclosed to us, aside from all of the other problems that came with it. In so doing, my brother’s confession about his identity was also considered as a triangle. Triangles are considered to be the unresolved issues between people, and I must say that this was the triangle between us, brothers. Similarly, rubber fences were also evident in my family. Rubber fences were considered to be the different approaches used in holding on to people as much as possible, which can portray a role in culture. I must say that my grandmother served as the rubber fence in my life and that of my brother’s. Both of us mourned her death, and even remembered her in every way possible. Through our own way, we would do everything we can to practice the teachings she provided us when we were younger. In this regard, she would be with us no matter where we were and who we become. Although our family was dysfunctional, family roles were still very evident. As mentioned earlier, my sister was tasked to take care of all the responsibilities at home, while my mother was out working. In addition to this, my sister was not even spared of all the heartaches when my mother came home drunk. The emotional distress this brought the family may also be considered as a reason for us to alter our familial roles. Regardless of our birth orders, my siblings and I would run for help and expect each other to be there for each other. It was our belief that the three of us would be the only ones together in the end. I was right. Looking back at the kind of life I had, I must say that my views towards family of origin were changed. Â  A typical family comprised of responsible parents, relatives, and children. All had their own role to play in society, and work together in order to make the family work. However, mine was different. The family was dysfunctional, and there were numerous problems that came our way, however, we were able to cope with them even if entailed much from our end. Life may have different ways to express realities and family origins. However, I believe that I am still lucky for being given such family. Through the numerous experiences I had, I was able to develop myself further and work out to be better. Life is short, and I could still make a difference regardless of all the heartaches provided.

Friday, November 8, 2019

History and Definition of Human Rights in the U.S.

History and Definition of Human Rights in the U.S. The term human rights refers to rights that are considered universal to humanity regardless of citizenship, residency status, ethnicity, gender or other considerations.  The phrase first became widely used due to the abolitionist movement, which drew on the common humanity of slaves and free persons. As William Lloyd Garrison wrote in the first issue of The Liberator,  In defending the great cause of human rights, I wish to derive the assistance of all religions and of all parties. The Idea Behind Human Rights   The idea behind human rights is much older, and its much harder to trace. Rights declarations such as the Magna Carta  have historically taken the form of a benevolent monarch granting rights to his or her subjects. This idea progressed in a Western cultural context toward the idea that God is the ultimate monarch and God grants rights that all earthly leaders should respect. This was the philosophical basis of the U.S. Declaration of Independence, which begins: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Far from self-evident, this was a fairly radical idea at the time. But the alternative was to accept that God works through earthly leaders, a view that seemed increasingly naive as literacy rates increased and knowledge of corrupt rulers grew. The enlightened view of God as a cosmic sovereign who grants the same basic rights to everyone with no need for earthly intermediaries still anchored human rights to the idea of power - but at least it didnt place the power in the hands of earthly rulers. Human Rights Today   Human rights are more commonly viewed today as basic to our identities as human beings. Theyre no longer typically framed in monarchical or theological terms, and theyre mutually agreed upon on a more flexible basis. Theyre not dictated by a permanent authority. This allows for a great deal of disagreement regarding what human rights are, and whether basic quality-of-life concerns such as housing and health care should be considered part of the human rights framework. Human Rights vs. Civil Liberties   Differences between human rights and civil liberties are not always particularly clear. I had the opportunity to meet with several visiting Indonesian womens rights activists in 2010 who asked me why the U.S. does not use the terminology of human rights to address domestic concerns. One might speak of civil rights or civil liberties when discussing an issue like free speech or the rights of the homeless, but its rare for the U.S. policy debate to incorporate the terminology of human rights when discussing things that happen within the boundaries of this country. Its my feeling that this comes from the U.S. tradition of rugged individualism - conceding that the U.S. can have a human rights problem implies that there are entities outside the U.S. to which our country is accountable. This is an idea that our political and cultural leaders tend to resist, although its likely to change over time due to the long-term effects of globalization. But in the short term, applying the principles of human rights to U.S. controversies may provoke more fundamental arguments about the relevance of human rights principles to the U.S.There are nine fundamental human rights treaties to which all signatories - including the United States - have agreed to hold themselves accountable under the auspices of the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights. In practice, there is no fully-binding enforcement mechanism for these treaties. Theyre aspirational, much as the Bill of Rights was prior to the adoption of the incorporation doctrine. And, much like the Bill of Righ ts, they may gain power over time. The phrase fundamental rights is sometimes used interchangeably with human rights, but it can also refer specifically to civil liberties.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Opened My Eyes For The First Time English Literature Essay Essays

Opened My Eyes For The First Time English Literature Essay Essays Opened My Eyes For The First Time English Literature Essay Essay Opened My Eyes For The First Time English Literature Essay Essay My female parent is a homemaker. Very soft natured and lovingness, she takes great attention of us without caring for her comfort for us. Throughout all the old ages in my life, I have been greatly influenced by my parents in many different ways, from the manner of believing to the small mundane wonts. No uncertainty, we inherit the cistrons of our parents and acquire basic cognition, norms from them. What we learn from our parents in the early old ages will be encrypted in our head and be reflected in about every facet of our behaviour. Two of my brothers are elder to me and the 3rd one is younger. My senior brothers are bank directors. My youngest brother Abdul Aziz which is my best closest brother, he is 4th class, he is a child who neer knows what happens between our household members he ever like to pull material and drama with me every weekend, really we play video games some action games, we play wrestling games and so on. Most of the clip we go outside, including my sister in jurisprudence whom married to my biggest brother she ever give us sit to the park, beach, museum, she ever seek to be nice and lovely to us like she is our sister. Our household has been recognized for subject and values. My household puts a great accent on values and ethical motives in one s life. Since the beginning of our childhood, we are taught to esteem the seniors and love the kids. We learnt the lesson of promptitude and trustiness from our gramps. There lies a important responsibility from our side excessively: giving those rights and duties to our parents. Thingss do nt travel good ever. Recently my female parent got ill. She was giving for us, she was awake all dark merely for us when we used to be childs, but since so when she became ill and entirely, no 1 was disquieted about her although she kept traveling and she had long agony with her illness. This makes me experience truly sad, I cried and I am making my best to take good attention of her. I remember a few yearss back when I reached my house ; I saw many autos of my brothers right next to my house. I walked in and giving my salutations to my brothers. There were three brothers and my male parent. Equally shortly as I entered in my room I heard my male parent speaking to them, giving a little talk to my three brothers about parents affairs, all of a sudden my male parent became huffy and started shouting at them for losing their connexion with my female parent while she is enduring. Father: Why are you guys out of your head? Why is that cat! ! Where is your self-respect? Is it because you got married, you forget about me and your female parent? Ca nt you at least call one time and inquire how is everything traveling with us? Eldest brother Abdul Majeed: We have been really busy with work! Our foremans are really rigorous and do nt allow us jump work hours at all. What can we make? Elder brother Majid: We have to travel for preparation in the following two yearss ; it is truly of import and required for a steady growing in our calling. It is two hebdomad preparation and we can non jump it. Father: Remember childs, you have your ain boies and girls and you will experience that pain the minute they grow up . My brothers were soundless they had no words to state, since so I felt my parents bosom. I was hurt and angry at my senior brothers for disregarding the agonies and trouble my female parent was confronting and I planned to be the best among all of my brothers. I learned from my brother s errors, to non fall in trap as they did. I made a promise to myself that twenty-four hours that no affair what ; I will neer disregard my parents and will back up them in every facet of life boulder clay I can. With GOD s grace she is acquiring better now and I am seeking to take every bit much attention of her as I can. I am passing about all my clip with her in the infirmary along with my male parent and monitoring her advancement on a regular basis. I make certain that she is given medical specialties on clip. I merely love the smiling on her face when she sees me seting so much attempt for her. My male parent has been my steering pillar for me and has been standing by me at all times. We together have been making the best we can and I merely hope everything gets all right shortly. I can proudly state: I have the best household and I love them really much.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Assignment on Management in a New Global Economy Essay

Assignment on Management in a New Global Economy - Essay Example All marketing functions are customer oriented and, ultimately, successful marketing is highly related to market analysis. All organizations need to conduct Market Surveys about the customers’ preferences and their perception about products and services. Before implementing any marketing plan, Organizations need to analyze the customer’s preferences and tastes. Marketing is the main reason for the existence of any business. Modern marketing environment is very competitive and all Organizations strive hard to create more customers and retain their existing customers. In this context, an Organization needs to maintain their customers by providing good product and services. Rapid changes in product lines would affect Sales and this will create good opportunities for the competitors and they can penetrate the market easily. So all organization need to take decisions carefully before implementing a change in their marketing. Organizations need to plan a strategy and study the possibilities and then implement changes as a test in some areas only and identify the customers’ reaction and feedback. In this case study Gourmet Direct implemented the product line changes without proper study and planning their intentions of reducing their Inventory and Distribution Costs. Lack of proper planning is the main problem in this study. Before implementing a changes in product line, an Organization needs to evaluate the idea and its possibilities in the market and the reactions of the customers. Secondly, an organization should evaluate their own resources and the competitors’ strategy on the similar products marketing. Finding the customers specification is also very important before implementing a strategy. In this case, the company wishes to conduct a Study about the customers’ preference and suggestions. The last step of a strategic change in

Friday, November 1, 2019

Does the media distort children's perceptions of reality or validate Essay

Does the media distort children's perceptions of reality or validate them - Essay Example Science-Fiction movies also contribute to distorting children’s perception of reality. Although they boost their imagination to think of the unachievable, they can make then day-dream and spend a large amount of time on thinking about a parallel world that does not even exist. The Star Wars mania left many children addicted to it back in the 70’s, however, the movies were anything but close to reality. They did, however, encourage a whole generation to become fans of something that did not even exist in reality, and even if it did not affect their perception of reality, the franchise left an impact that affected ‘reality’ itself. Horror movies also are another genre of movies that distort children’s perceptions of reality. Children often fear the presence of scary monsters lurking in dark corners and many of them are affected so badly that they are deterred from going anywhere, or even sleeping alone at night. Watching horror movies distorts children’s perception of reality so badly that many often commit violent acts. Current research agrees with the individuals who argue that violent media is associated with aggressive behavior. Risky behavior by children and young adults includes violence against others and even a lack of remorse for consequences. Such faulty thinking often creates stress in children which can lead to a large number of psychological conditions. Therefore, children who view media violence frequently are more likely to have increased feelings of hostility, reduced emotional response to violence exhibited in front of them., and injuries that result from the initiation of violent behavior. Cartoons too distort how children view reality, since they too, like fiction movies, make us believe that the impossible can be possible, and that a lot of characters many never die. However, since cartoons are depicted as animated colorful motion images, their effect is minimal, in fact even positive, since children never perceive them to be real, given their animated form. Daffy duck, for example, might fall from top of a building several times, and be squashed by a bus on the road, and still jump up, inflate itself and start